pricing for Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM Pricing: How much does Zoho CRM cost you?

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Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM is an online Sales CRM software that manages your sales, marketing, and support in one CRM platform. Trusted by over a 100 million users worldwide!

Zoho CRM
Pricing Overview
Boost sales and customer relationships with Zoho CRM: manage leads, track deals, and automate sales processes, customize CRM workflows, and analyze data to drive sales performance and customer satisfaction efficiently.
For Small Teams
For Enterprises
For Larger Teams
Free Trial
Annual Subscription
Implementation Support

Spendflo Score

Spendflo Score is a computed measure of all SaaS tools' financial and procurement health indicators. It helps make data-driven decisions about software investments.

Preference score
Sentiment score
Discount availability
Ease of Procurement
Austin, Texas
Frequently Asked Questions

How to cancel Zoho CRM subscription?

To cancel a Zoho CRM subscription, users typically need to log in to their Zoho account, navigate to the subscription or billing settings, and follow the instructions for cancellation. The cancellation process may vary depending on the subscription terms and billing arrangements.

How much is Zoho CRM per month?

Zoho CRM offers various pricing plans starting from $12 per user per month for the Standard edition, $20 per user per month for the Professional edition, and $35 per user per month for the Enterprise edition when billed annually. Additionally, there's a free edition available with basic features for up to 3 users. Prices may vary based on subscription length and additional add-ons.

What is Zoho CRM used for?

Zoho CRM is a customer relationship management (CRM) software that helps businesses streamline sales processes, manage customer relationships, track leads and opportunities, automate sales tasks, analyze data, and improve overall sales performance. It's designed to be customizable and scalable to meet diverse business needs.

What is Zoho CRM Plus?

Zoho CRM Plus is an enhanced version of Zoho CRM that includes additional features and integrations to provide a more comprehensive solution for customer engagement and relationship management. It may offer advanced functionalities such as multichannel marketing, advanced analytics, and enhanced support capabilities.

Does Zoho CRM integrate with other business apps?

Yes, Zoho CRM integrates with a wide range of third-party applications and services, including email marketing platforms, accounting software, productivity tools, and more. Popular integrations include Mailchimp, QuickBooks, Google Workspace, Microsoft Office 365, and many others.

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