
How to negotiate your finance tech stack

Bay Area Edition

20 software tools!

That is how many tools organizations use in the finance department alone. They’re all not unique, though. Features overlap — you end up paying twice for things you don’t use.

Pricing is a whole new matter. SaaS tools have user-based, usage-based, feature-based, tiered, so on and so forth. Navigating this labyrinth can be tiresome. So, we’ve brought help.

Authored by

Siddharth Sridharan
Co-founder & CEO, Spendflo
Nivas Ravichandran
Head of Marketing, Spendflo

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What’s this ebook?

Drawing from the experience of our expert SaaS buying teams, we’ve put together the best practices in planning, evaluating and buying your tech stack. This comprehensive guide to negotiating your finance tech stack will walk you through the following.

Knowing what SaaS tools you need and why you need them
Mapping your potential investments to possible returns
Using the right negotiation levers to get the best deals

What’s inside the ebook?

How to negotiate your finance tech stack
The finance tech stack
The software overload and its consequences
Landscape audit
Identifying what SaaS you need and why
VPA model
Connecting value, product pricing and application
Negotiating confidently
Using the right levers

Why should I read it?

SaaS is one of the top three expenses in every high-growth organization. Before you ask the engineering or marketing teams to cut their SaaS expenses, you can clean your own house and lead by example.

This ebook will help you with that.

How to use this eBook?

‘How to negotiate your finance tech stack’ is a simple and actionable guide.

Begin by reading how we recommend you approach your SaaS stack negotiation.
Consider the frameworks we present and think about how you can apply it to your organization.
Use the negotiation levers in your conversations with SaaS vendors while buying new or renewing contracts.
Use the summary pages to guide your decisions.

About Spendflo

Spendflo's SaaS buying and optimization platform drives collaborative buying, contextual automation and guaranteed ROI for its users with its unique benchmark data.

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