Urban Company achieves 15x ROI and brings transparency in SaaS procurements.


hours saved


savings in ROI

Urban Company was unable to gain actionable insight on their SaaS usage. With Spendflo's clear dashboards, they gained 100% visibility on their SaaS usage and SaaS savings.

Whenever there's a need for procurement, we could always reach out to the Spendflo team

Perkriti Malhotra
Senior Manager, Business Finance

Urban Company is the global standard for at-home services in India, Singapore, Australia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, with more than 3 million consumers. Working with thousands of households across five countries, Urban Company helps professionals provide and consumers to avail at-home services digitally to help them keep life and business moving forward. Urban Company is loved by customers and professionals alike for offering a world-class experience.

Goal: Optimize SaaS Expense

With the advent of the pandemic, Urban Company ensured strict adherence to COVID-19 protocol guidelines and ensured their services remained best-in-class. Their exceptional customer-centricity gave rise to explosive growth in the number of people relying on Urban Company's at-home services. This usage explosion brought thousands of new unique users to the platform every day.

The key to scaling for this massive growth was

  • Gaining complete transparency over SaaS usage
  • Saving on SaaS spending

Solution to Optimize SaaS Expense

Urban Company uses Spendflo to procure and optimize its SaaS expense. As their needs have grown over time, Spendflo has easily grown with them to help manage their SaaS procurements, gain visibility over the SaaS stack and save on spending.

Gaining Visibility over SaaS spends with dashboards

Urban Company initially tracked SaaS expense metrics through several excel spreadsheets. The UC team did not have one central source of truth to track SaaS expenses and usage, which made it difficult to optimize their SaaS spend. Spendflo helped them consolidate all their software tools in a central platform. They could now track renewal time on all active SaaS subscriptions. Using Spendflo, Urban Company could analyze its expenses regularly. As a result, they could proactively plan procurements based on usage to optimize overall SaaS spends, realize savings and ultimately fuel their growth.

The Urban Company team also created dashboards for savings, spending, and usage, allowing the teams to monitor active usage. Spendflo's usage tracking module allowed the UC team to observe real-time SaaS usage. It also allowed them to track the usage data for various users and tools, so they could make quick optimizations to reduce excess spending and maximize ROI on the purchase of new tools.

Improving productivity with approval and renewal workflows.

To tackle the challenge of reducing time spent in procuring multiple SaaS tools, Urban Company quickly identified the importance of optimizing the approval time. It was a great opportunity to process procurements immediately without the multiple back-and-forths across email threads. Urban Company made sure to fast-track approvals with custom approval workflows from buying to usage with Spendflo. Before Spendflo, procurement requests would sometimes be stuck inside mail threads, forever awaiting approval. Spendflo helped remove the delays in approvals and reduce the time between buying and using the software.


With the help of Spendflo, Urban Company was able to save on their SaaS expense, gain visibility over the SaaS stack, and continue serving more customers across the five countries. Spendflo helped them gain complete visibility over their SaaS spend, realize over 16% savings on average, and stay on time for their renewals with timely reminders. In the future, Urban Company plans to continue using Spendflo to fuel its growth and scale efficiently.

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Spendflo makes your entire SaaS buying cycle faster, cheaper and more efficient. And if we can’t? We’ll write you a cheque for the difference.

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