How Spendflo optimized SaaS across multiple offices for Crownpeak and saved 30% on their annual SaaS expense


faster procurements


United States

Crownpeak were often surprised by their SaaS renewal dates and found it challenging to proactively negotiate SaaS renewals. Spendflo’s dashboard provided timely reminders and assisted in getting in the best deals.

I highly recommend that any company looking for a SaaS procurement partner contact Spendflo. They'll take care of everything SaaS while you concentrate on growing your business.

Ali Burchfield

Founded in 2001, Crownpeak provides a digital experience platform that enables businesses to design, launch and optimize omnichannel digital experiences faster.


Consolidating SaaS visibility throughout the organization

Crownpeak's number of SaaS apps and spending grew rapidly as a company with multiple offices. However, the Crownpeak team did not have visibility into the company's SaaS purchases and ownership.

Planning renewals proactively

SaaS renewals often surprised the Crownpeak team as they did not track renewal dates. They could not negotiate with vendors effectively without visibility into upcoming renewals.

Removing Shadow IT and duplicate licenses

Having a decentralized SaaS procurement process meant that teams and individuals across Crownpeak often purchased different tools that served the same function. As a result, the Crownpeak team wanted to get rid of duplicate software.


Ali Burchfield, the Controller at Crownpeak, started using Spendflo to assist them in optimizing their procurements and maximizing returns on their SaaS investment.

Centralized Visibility over SaaS

The Spendflo buying team found all the SaaS subscriptions in use across Crownpeak and consolidated the procurements into a single view in the Spendflo platform. This consolidation helped Crownpeak team focus on key business objectives.

Enabling Timely Renewals

Spendflo's dashboard provided visibility into upcoming renewals and notified the Crownpeak team 90 to 120 days i advance. These timely renewals allowed them to assess requirements and negotiate better pricing.

Eliminating Shadow IT

Using the Spendflo platform, the Crownpeak team identified duplicate SaaS apps and eliminated unwanted subscriptions.


With the help of Spendflo, Crownpeak gained visibility into their SaaS stack, eliminated Shadow IT, and saved on expenses and time.

"I highly recommend that any company looking for a SaaS procurement partner contact Spendflo. They'll take care of everything SaaS while you concentrate on growing your business." - Added Ali

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Spendflo makes your entire SaaS buying cycle faster, cheaper and more efficient. And if we can’t? We’ll write you a cheque for the difference.

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